Become Our Partner

Partner with us to lead Connecticut’s first unified effort to advance and transform the manufacturing industry.

Benefits of Partnership

Join dozens of manufacturing leaders and employers throughout Northwest Connecticut in driving sector growth, improving our economy, and advancing the regional manufacturing industry.

Benefits & Features

  • Industry Driven
  • Community Supported
  • Access to Curated Resources
  • Member Portal & Collaborative Environment
  • Focused Job Listings
  • Federal & State Support

Expert Team

  • Industry Professionals
  • Educators & Training Providers
  • Local Elected Officials
  • Chambers of Commerce
  • Northwest Regional Workforce Investment Board
  • Governor's Workforce Council

What is a Regional Sector Partnership?

A regional sector partnership (RSP) is a collaborative effort that brings together stakeholders from various industry sectors within a specific geographic region to address their challenges and opportunities. These partnerships involve representatives anywhere from industry, government, and education to workforce development, and economic development organizations. The goal is to align available resources, strategies, and actions to support the growth and competitiveness of specific industries or sectors within the region.

Regional Sector Partnerships: Driving Economic Growth and Workforce Development

A regional sector partnership (RSP) can help their specific regions build competitive advantages, create high-quality jobs, and promote innovation by leveraging the collective strengths of stakeholders and aligning efforts towards common goals. Below is how a region’s industries can benefit from an RSP.

  • Sector Focus: Concentrating efforts on a specific industry that is important
    to the region’s economy (such as manufacturing, healthcare, technology)
  • Shared Goals: Defining a shared vision and set of goals that address the
    needs and priorities of the industry, such as workforce development,
    innovation, infrastructure, and policy advocacy.
  • Resource Alignment: Coordinating resources and efforts, such as aligning
    training programs with industry needs, pooling funding for infrastructure
    projects, or advocating for supportive policies.
  • Sustainability: Ensuring the partnership is sustainable over the long term
    through ongoing engagement, funding, and adapting to changing

Who can be part of a Regional Sector Partnership?

First and foremost, the NW CT Manufacturing RSP is designed for Industry Champions in the manufacturing sector to collaborate and drive growth throughout our region. However, we also welcome the engagement of educators, training providers, elected officials, economic development departments, manufacturing associations, and others to join in this collaborative effort to support and strengthen the industry.

  • Industry Representatives: Business leaders and Employers from specific industry, Industry and Trade associations, Labor Unions, and small, medium, and large enterprises.
  • Education and Training Providers: Representatives from K-12 Education systems, Community Colleges, Adult Ed providers, Universities and Career and Technical Education Programs. Job Training and Employment Service providers.
  • Government Agencies: Local and regional government officials, Economic Development, Workforce Development Boards, Regulatory industries, Economic Development entities, Chambers of Commerce.
  • Nonprofit Organizations: Focused on economic development and workforce issues, and community organizations that support specific populations. (such as veterans, immigrants, and low-income individuals)

Uniting businesses, education, community, and driving economic growth to power Northwest Connecticut’s manufacturing future.

Made By Manufacturers, For Manufacturers

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